
About Page

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Kid Soap

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Cards By Venita

Our Products For Sale At:

Stonewall Farm Bed & Breakfast- Hillsboro, NH


Acworth Store- Acworth, NH

Dakotas- Hillsboro, NH

Makaytons- Hillsboro, NH

         Raven's Creations started as a hobby and has slowly turned into something bigger. We take pride in giving you the products that you want and will continue to love. Everything is handmade with the safest ingredients available. We use no chemicals. Everything in our soaps are as safe as can be. We make special orders for those who want something different. If we can make it, we make it. You can have exactly what you desire. So please try our soaps and you will not be disappointed.                             Raven

This web page is to show my prouducts, so potential buyers or wholesalers can see what I have. If you are interested in buying or carrying email me at rcreations03@yahoo.com and I will be happy to answer any of your questions.

P.S- If you are having problems with Pop-Ups Download: http://www.panicware.com/product_downloads.html or update your windows.


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